How to make a disaster plan for your pets
Pet Identification

How to make a disaster plan for your pets

Natural disasters and emergencies are some things beyond our control and are unavoidable. We can only take an escape or do some damage control after that. It’s been said prevention is better than cure; so why not craft an escape plan to minimize the damages. For many of the pet lovers, their pets are like family members and they do not want their pets to get harmed in any situation. Hence, just like humans, pets need escape plans too. In fact, pets need extra care compared to humans.

Planning a rescue plan is not an easy task and if it is for your loved ones, it gets tougher. By following the below pet natural disaster emergency tips, you can quickly plan the escape for your pets and yourself too, because if you are safe, then only can you take care of your family members and pets.

  • One of the important pet natural disaster emergency tips is to make sure your pet has a collar containing all the necessary information one needs to recognize your pet. It should always be up to date including your pet’s name, contact information, type of breed and medical need if any.
  • Caregivers must be chosen carefully; they must be trustworthy, must be selected from a nearby location and should give the necessary care and love to your pets as you do.
  • A permanent identification form must be considered. An implantation of microchip should be done under the skin, as it is recognizable by many animal shelters. You can also consider identification tags for the same. This will ensure the safety of your pets in cases of emergency.
  • An emergency kit must be prepared, and it must be kept within reach for every family member with proper training of how to use that kit. The kit must include:
  • The stock of 3-8 days of dry/canned food
    Disposable litter trays, garbage bags, paper towels, soaps, and disinfectants.
    Pet feeding dishes and water bowls
    First aid kit for the pet and a guidebook
    Extra photos of your pet, one gallon of water per pet, flashlights, and blankets.
  • One of the vital pet natural disaster emergency tips is that the escape plan must be made after considering the geographical differences. For low areas, shelters must be built at higher points.

An emergency kit must also be prepared for humans and pets as well. This is because only when the pet owner is safe can he/she can take care of their pets. The emergency kit for humans includes flashlights, lighters, radio, ID proofs, bandages, medicines, spare clothes, emergency contact numbers, extra batteries, power banks, and multi-utility tools.

Pets definitely need extra protection and safety, and their owners are the best ones to decide escape plans for them. With the above-mentioned pet natural disaster emergency tips, you will easily be able to protect your animals and rescue them from unforeseen circumstances.

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